The Great Canadian Literary Quiz
Every year, the Canadian newspaper
The Globe and Mail publishes its Canadian Literary Quiz, which I never enter because, well, I usually don't know most of the answers. This year is no different, but I thought I'd put the list of questions up and let all of you try your luck. I guess Canadians might have a bit of an advantage, but not all the questions are about Canadian books or authors. So here you go. :)
The four questions I am able to answer:
11. How did John Steinbeck's
East of Eden become a bestseller in 2003?
19. Which day of Henry Perowne's week was captured this year?
31. What genre of book does the film
A History of Violence spring from?
35. Why would you not want to trust the 2004 guidebook
If you want the answer to those 4 (and ONLY those 4), let me know. Heh.
The Great Canadian Literary Quiz
Saturday, November 26, 2005 | Page D39
Globe Books invites readers to enter the 10th annual Great Canadian Literary Quiz. The three highest-scoring entries will receive gift certificates from Indigo Books & Music. A fourth entry will be selected at random. Entries may be mailed to The Great Canadian Literary Quiz, c/o Ted Mumford, The Globe and Mail, 444 Front St. West, Toronto, Ont. M5V 2S9; faxed to 416-585-5505; or e-mailed to Please include address and daytime phone number. Deadline is Dec. 12, 2005; winners and answers in January.It doesn't say, but I'd assume you'd have to actually be Canadian in order to send in a valid entry. :)
( The quiz )Update, Jan. 21, 2006: The
quiz answers were published today. Go and check your answers!